About Map the Giants

A project to discover, study and protect giant corals

Climate-change and anthropogenic pressures threaten coral reefs causing biodiversity loss and a decrease in coral cover. Corals can grow indefinitely, reaching sheer sizes and several hundred years, but in this coral crisis, we might lose some of the most resistant, old and charismatic corals: the GIANTS.  Giant corals represent the ideal tools for tracing past oceanographic transformations and modelling the responses to future environmental changes. Furthermore, their resistance to current stressors requires in-depth studies to understand what makes these animals so resilient. What are Giant corals? We have chosen to consider giants, those corals being over 5m in any of their lengths.

How many giant corals are there? Where are they? What can we do to protect them? Are they the key to coral reefs resilience?

The idea is to increase the general public’s awareness on corals and recreate the same feeling when protecting a monument, of whatever nature it may be.

Scientists from any background could then use this precious information to conduct multidisciplinary research on giants.

Your help is the key!

The project is carried out in the Maldives under the following permit:
Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources Permit no: NRP2024/130